Arini 27 Feb 2010... Cuaca cerah jer kat yg ujan ada kat dalam opis ni...HEHEH... aku le tak der la kuar air mata....hati jer menangis... Kenapa perasaan aku cam tak tentu...huhu.. Malam tido tak tentu, aku just pejam je mata ni dan berharap agar dapat tdo..namun setiap masa amik hp tgk masa.
Tetiba arini aku tol2 sad. Aku tak tau naper.
Seorang wanita yang terlalu emo, tak reti nak paham perasaan orang, cepat marah etc.
Sejak bekerje ni aku mudah sgt nak emo. Smpai org yg rapat dgn aku jd mangsa terkene tempias skali. Otak kekadang tak pandai nak pikir waras. Ini dugaan dunia belum dugaan d akhirat kelak.
Aku slalu salahkan diri sndri, kerana keras kepala ni lah aku ni tak reti nak paham persaan org len. Aku tak nak kehilangan sahabat2 malah cinta yg aku ada skrg.
Arini tol2 aku takder slera nak makan....naper la aku ni bodoh sgt ha....tak pikir cam org dewasa.. bile lagi nak berubah...tak lama lagi umur aku dh nak meningkat... Aisyh, aku ni inginkan kebhagian stiap masa, tp aku sendri yg bodoh tak reti jg kebhgiaan tu.
Ada gak aku ni pikir, aku ni menyusahkan org ke...aku ni idup kat atas muka bumi ni nyusahkan org je ke...huhuhu...aku belajar nak elak susahkan idup org len tp entah camne aku lah punca life org len jd berubah malah bengang ngan aku.
Entah la...aku tak tau lagi nak luah kat aku luah kan ajer kat open blog aku ni. Huhuh..
Ma shift today at early of the day so silence...then almost begin new day the ringing nonstop complaining failed to login into their login page.
As usuall....try to ping-success
check reboot the MT ma....(our jargon) hehheheh
Nothing interested to knoe wat am i doing during ma shift.....
Just wat happened, my fren belanja me Mee kolok tapau from restaurant down here....
Suppose the waiter deliver ma dinner after 15 mints the order made....but waiting till 1hr... i can't leave the office based on the problem.
While on the phone wit client, our "neighbour" call our office informed dat ma Mee Kolok sent to hungry la...(so pity ma fren who ordered for me mee kolok coz cannot dating very well)
Back home around 12.30 am...
20th Feb
Morning shift...aiyo...not enaugh sleepy,...the day so rainy and can feel the cold.
Continue ma shift 8am-4pm so hungry....
Wat i aspect...arrive home gonna shut my eyes and hibernate ma self. ...remind ma "alarm-ma hney" to wake me up when he finished his time at gym.I feel so sticky then as result to "rain" ma self..hehe...then at last my eyes refresh and so damn fresh back.
Try formating my laptop to Windows 7...but failed coz of winload.exe missing file....
Continue to format at office.
Ma fren text me, if i can pair with her during nite shift. 12am-8am.
21st Feb
Yahooo now im using laptop s following generation.....begin with vista...n win7 ultimate.
Now still non sleep eyes waiting for a moment to fly on ma bad..."title such like in ma literature book during ma high skool"
Owh ma bad...miss u...owh ma honey...miss u more a lotz .......muah
Hhahaha...IM not celebrating CNY...hehhe...its ok....just wish to those who celebrating...
This year is our 1986 Year..TIGER year....yahuuuu
Its ok, im not going to talk bout this....just wanna share wat im doing today.
Im working shift for today at 8am til 4pm...with ma colleague....
After we realize dat, next shift no 1 gonna take it. So both us gonna continue this shift till 12am....very the tired...huhuh.... our claim will be double...yesza...but reallyy...the tired...
Since morning we watch hindi movie....hahha...LAYAN.....
What's uup guys... Thanks for stop at my blog and spend time to read...
Erm, yesterday was ma first time handling the shift alone n luckily I can face everything even smtes theres difficulty and try to ask senior to solve it.
1 issue that really make my anger reach the top...y don an it person understand how it mmbers work and try to help them for better service. If they do knoe IT well they should know how we feel here.
Maybe all of u blur bout this....
There was a cust call me, and said dat can't coonect to wireless and somtimes can, and the call made were the 3rd time with the same prob. Erm....for me, there no others user complaint about it...i think he/ she should give us some times to solve the prob.
In a day she call us for 5 times and keep angry and..&^%&^$%#$%#%^%&* arrgh donno wat to say....then he/she hang up the phone...we give u the service, we try to help u...and don't even think that we bluffing u. If u are an IT person, u should knoe how to troubleshoot it n understand our situation....
No issue la....eheh... well...with senior today..still oklah.. tomorrow my shift on me alone here at technical support room... i control on WIFI network... regarding issue...any1 can call me for those who use Kuching WIFI, D'connexion, Wizone, Mitzmara...etc...
Ha...mesti ramai nak tau...skrg aku wat aper kan... nih aku nak habaq kat korg smue...aku dah dpt keje...pas demama campak aku trus dpt keje...
Keje aper, oklah...sama cam aku masa praktikal dulu tp lagi mncabar...kire skrg aku dah close ngan networking..subject yg aku penah repeat masa MMU dulu..wakakkaka dah ampir seminggu keje...boleh la tahan....lagipun kiter rang relate ngan KL, JB n a few kaw kat Sarawak...
Shift yg ada... 8am - 4pm 4pm - 12am 12am - 8am
so aku tak lama lagi merasa la shift2 malam tu smuo...hahha....try...lgpun tak jauh dr umah...shift malam sorg2 jer jg...
Lagi 1 yg dasat keje sini...aku kenal ada 2 lagi dak MMU..senior aku gak..dah la sama kat Melaka dulu...yg sorg jer aku tak kenal... tp sorg lagi kenal la gak...
Aku rasa bdn aku tak berapa sehat....pale aku lagi la rasa berat.....mmg pening aku amik kat pwot aku dah ada 2 bintik dah tghr ada lagi 1 bintik muncul. Aku ingatkan jerawat aku wat bodoh jer la.....arini mmg time tghr mmg panas cuaca tp aku plak blh bersweater n tak on kipas dalam blik....sah aku demam....
Malam aku tinggal sorg...mmg baring spjg masa..sambil bersms ngna buah ati aku yg jauh d mata tp tetap dhatiku....
Dah malam skit aku lepak bilik..rasa pning plak tak ilang2...aku telan 2 bjik aktifast...erm...ada oklah skit...tetibe plak ada tetamu dtg...erm...controvecy la plak...erm..
Aku tdo time cam biasa awal skit...lam 11.30...ehhe..awal la tuh...dah tu..mmg tak tdo lena wo...
24 Jan 10
Pusing kanan pusing kiri...smpai subuh aku berjaga...pinggang aku punya la sakit..tmbhan tulang blkg aku skit..mmg tak dapat tdo la aku.....
Pas subuh..aku try tdo balik..pale still pening...
Bangun smula lam kol 7.30...mmg pale masih pening so aku amik keputusan ajak bp aku g klinik
Aku rasa aku kene campak sebb bintik2 merah bertambah plak kat leher aku...
Kol 9.....g klinik.....tunggu doc plak lama...sakit pinggang aku nak duduk lama...
Time giliran aku...erm...sah aku kne campak...
Doc bg 4 ubat....uphamol 500, ubat gatal, lotion n cream....erm...
Balik terus baring dpan tv....mlm tdo awal la skit...lam kol 10 lebeh...
25 Jan 10
Cam biasa aku tak dpt tdo pas subuh aku try tdo tak dapat....erm.....aku tgk kat cermon..wadoi...dah byk kua....
Arini gak la syarikat tpt aku interview call aku suh dtg arini kan daya...kene cakap la aku kene mgu depan baru aku g sana .....hope dapat la keje tu...huhuh
*mmg sengsara wo kene campak...uhuhuh...tak de slera nak makan...n rasa tak slesa....*
26 Jan 10
Seperti biasa aku akan bgun awal yg bleh sebb tak lena tdo..arini sukar skit bg aku nak hadap sakit ni...
Dr mlm td aku sakit tekak....mmg amat sgt sakit tekak pepegai aku trun g bawah mkn ubat jap pastu aku baring balik lam blik....
Bila aku dgr bapa aku dah bangun, aku terus sms dier suh mak aku watkan air asam jawa coz tekak aku sakit la sesgt....nak telan air liur susah...
Aku smbung balik terlelap..tetibe mak aku masuk blik suh aku sarapan...aku tak nak susahkan mak aku suh dier bawak maknan masuk blik so aku kumpul tenaga aku g trun tuk sarapan....
Erm...aku try gak aper sajer tuk isi perut mmg tak dapat....skit jer mnum..pastu mnum asam jawa...
Bapa aku kuar sampat gak aku suh dier bli strepsils ngna pil.
Tghr..aku Cuma mampu suap 2 kali jer nasi.....tak larat wo....then aku baring lg...mmg perit gak keadaan.
Ptg ada rasa ok skit...aku baring pan tv..tgk movie...tetibe kol 5.30 ptg aku mule menggigil...aku tak tahan dah..naik blik terus berselimut...mak aku siap tmbah 1 lagi slimut..tu pun still sejuk...mak sapu minyak panas kat telapak kaki aku...tgn aku..still gak mnggigil....then aku bawak jer baring n try lelapkan mata...walopun tak tak dapat...
Mak panggil suh makn malam plak...trun dalam keadaan mnggeletar...time ni aku dapat sesuap jer nasi....tekak aku sakit tahap giler aku telan jer pil n terus naik baring lam bilik....
Time ni la aku ada cek suhu aku.....fuh..39celcius....tinggi gak.....