April 28, 2011

Siapa : Al-Maunah

Who know about Al-Maunah? 
Name: Al-Maunah(Militan's terrorist)
Leader : Mohamed Amin Mohamed Razali
Leader power: The brotherhood has inner power that can fly and walk on water.
Location: Malaysia 
Activities: Martial art, and practise of Islamic medicine.
Objective : To be more powerful and to make the Islam as the main law in Malaysia. Every members need to follow orders from the leader.

*SOLD OUT* Sell item : DKNY couple watch

April 27, 2011

Siapa : Mona Fendy.

Are you familiar with this face?
She was a singer, she was a wife, she was a WITCH and she was a MURDERER.
[copy form wikipedia.org]

Siapa : Rosli Dobhi

Ramai gak antara kite ni tau nama je Rosli Dobi ni, tapi xtau ape yg buat name dier terkenal.

Dulu Sarawak berada di dalam genggaman Brunei di bawah pemerintahan Sultan Brunei. Tetapi akibat tentera dan ketenteraan Sultan Brunei tidak begitu teguh telah membuat perjanjian kepada British untuk menjaga Sarawak dari ancaman dari Portugis. 

Disaster: Titanic was sank

Lexury, biggest ship, beautiful ship

This big ship was sank on April 15 1912 (99 years ago) after her first departure on April 2nd for maiden voyage.
Remained of the tragedic had been destroyed among all passenggers who dream for a great nice trip with Ttanic.
We can imagine that we in their situation when watching TITANIC movie.

April 7, 2011

Melayu kita - tiada adab

Salam semua.

Ni aku ank share la kat korg skit satu kejadian menimpa aku lah baru-baru ni.

Job aku kat opis dok design and keje2 opis yg len la. Ujung minggu ni kiterang nye jabatan akan mengadakan JOBFAIR la.