May 25, 2011

Subhanallah : Keunikan Azan

Azan or Adzhan can be hear before muslim pray. 5 times a day and azan also have its uniqueness. DO you beileive that, Azan actually non stop around the world. It's continuously all around the world.

Here I shared a video from youtube by  

May 24, 2011

Bila Cahaya Memanggil Bhg 5

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Bahagian 5: Tiada erti Syawal

"Allaahu akbar.. Allaahu akbar.. Allaahu akbar …..
Laa – ilaaha – illallaahu wallaahu akbar.
Allaahu akbar walillaahil – hamd"
Berkumandang suara takbir di setiap masjid dan surau menandakan, berlabuh tirai Ramadhan pada tahun ini. Khairil segera bersiap selepas berbuka puasa di rumah sewanya, untuk ke masjid dan surau untuk bersama dengan jemaah lain untuk takbir raya.

Bila Cahaya Memanggil Bhg 4

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Bahagian 4 : Mesej dari ayang

Telefon di pejabat berdering-dering tanpa henti sejak dari tengahari tadi. Ini disebabkan petang ini jumlah peratusan untuk produk di syarikat Khairil bekerja akan naik. Mereka berusaha untuk menyelesaikan mana-mana kes sebelum peratusan berubah.

FWD EMAIL : ALERT : Acid Splasher - Please spread the words of caution !

Dear all,

Eh u guys be careful k, remember the acid splasher case? Yesterday one of my friend her car window kene ketuk by a guy holding a yellow bottle demanding her to roll down her window. She didn’t, so the guy hentak2 her car and yelled at her. The face is as per polis announcement, Indian guy. She said, awal2 masa the guy ketuk her window, he look mcm kesian muke sedih. (Taktik nak suruh bukak tingkap). After that the guy left. This happen at traffic light at 1 utama, which is near to us.

May 20, 2011

Bila Cahaya Memanggil Bhg 3

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Bahagian 3: Kenapa dipanggil Bos?

Terngiang-ngiang di telinga Khairil dengan teguran daripada bosnya semasa dipanggil pagi tadi ke bilik.

"Khairil, sejak dua menjak ni saya tengok, kehadiran awak semakin hari semakin merosot. Masuk office pukul 8.30pagi. Tapi saya tengok awak kekadang pukul 9 pagi baru masuk office. Boleh bagitahu saya sebab kenapa?" Encik Rahimi, Ketua Bahagian tempat Khairil bekerja.

Bila Cahaya Memanggil Bhg 2

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Bahagian 2 : Cinta Khairil 

" Khai, ko tak gi mane2 ke arini, jmpe client ke?" tanya teman pejabatnya Safuan.
 " Ade, aku nak jumpe client aku kat bangunan sultan iskandar. Tapi aku kene call dulu baru jumpe. Nape Wan?" Khairil atau lebih glmaor dipanggil Khai hairan Wan bertanya awal-awal pagi.
 " Saje je bertanye. Jom kite gi lepak kat warung kat bangunan sebelah " Safuan mengajak Kahiril untuk bersama bersarapan.

Bila Cahaya Memanggil Bhg 1

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Bahagian 1 : Khairil         
Bang azan Subuh dah mula memecah keheningan dinihari tandanya bermula hari sudah muncul siang. Khairil bingkas bangun dan terus ke bilik air untuk mengambil air wudhu. Sebagai umat Islam, Khairil sudah menjadi kebiasaan bangun seawal subuh untuk mengerjakan Solat Subuh dan tidak memerlukan alarm jam mahupun atas meja atau dr telefon bimbit Nokia Express music miliknya.

      Seperti biasa, selesai menunaikan Subuh, Khairil akan terbaring sekejap di sofa ruang tamu rumah sewanya untuk menanti saatnya siang untuk mandi.Hanya mengambil masa 30 minit sahaja untuk terlelap, dia sudah bangun semula dan mencapai tuala dari tingkap biliknya kemudian terus menuju ke bilik mandi.

May 16, 2011

May 12, 2011

Freak : It's not freak but Disgusting

First thing I gonna say, What The Hack.....(I wont say any bad word here)

Why I say sao? Here I story a bit and want to share with all of my blog walkers or readers. By the way, Thanks to all who come and visit to my blog that not to rich with visitors or followers. Forget about this. Back to main title, why it's not freak but DISGUSTING.

May 10, 2011

May 7, 2011

Fwd email : Cake designer

What will you imagine when I said CAKE? Round? With ICING? with CANDLE?
I received this email a few years ago from my fren and also from forward email to her.

Here I share with you all how the chef impress their idea and make the cake not look like a cake but look alike other thing.

Freak : A young girl eaten by a Snake

Wo. Can u believe that a young girl eaten by a snake such like movie ANACONDA?

I just surf through YOUTUBE and found a great title : Ular Makan Manusia ( A snake ate human). I just wanna watch and found out this movie clip only 16 seconds. 

Today : Happy Mother's Day 2011 (8th May 2011)

I wanna wish Happy Mother's Day to all mother in this world especially my mom.....
Here I paste A song to dedicate to my mom that I copied from youtube.

May 6, 2011

Sale item : Simple PHP

Want to be more expert in PHP? Click below to learn PHP....

Click Here! for furhter information

Happening : Hot Fm inviting Prime Minister to their place

So wonderful day during my way to office listening to Dj's of HotFM that waiting for our Malaysia Prime Minister visiting their workplace.

Here I share with those can't watch it live.

May 5, 2011

Around : What happened in the picture?

Hallo guys, and what a great day for today. So as usual, I wanna share a few cases la. And its happened around me. 
A few days ago, during lunch break, me n ma fren went out for lunch. With unexpected situation the route that we use to go back to office traffic JAM, JAM, JAM.  Owwh no, we should be hurry back to office. 

May 4, 2011

Try Test: Mee hong Kong

Aku saje je try recipe sendiri...

Aku x taula rase die cam mee hong kong ke idak ye....

Xpe, asalkan kuah die merah dah ok....
Meh la aku share resipi ni ngan korg ye.