May 12, 2011

Freak : It's not freak but Disgusting

First thing I gonna say, What The Hack.....(I wont say any bad word here)

Why I say sao? Here I story a bit and want to share with all of my blog walkers or readers. By the way, Thanks to all who come and visit to my blog that not to rich with visitors or followers. Forget about this. Back to main title, why it's not freak but DISGUSTING.

Last nite, I watched nite news at TV3(malaysia). The first topic mentioned about recycle. Recycle what? After the police made investigating about a banglo house which run an recycle operation. 

What Did the recycle? a simple thing, such a milk can, milk drink in a bottle, choclate powder, tea powder, and else(a lot more to mention). Sure nothing disgusting rite.
Let me tell you what they did with those things I mentioned:
Milk can : Still have the milk inside, they take out the brand and also the paper around it and paste with new paper with new name.
Milk drink in a bottle(plastic): Remove the expired day and paste new date.
Choclate powder(expired 2 years ago) : They pour it with water and milk and make an icecream (20sen )
Tea powder : They resell it to restuarant.

copy from Kosmo online
copy from berita harian online
Because of money, they done this disgusting job and also risking other's health especially kids who buy ice cream in front of their school.
Can you imagine you bought a drink(milk) and so confident not yet reach expiry date but it actually expired? Can you imagine that you loafing or having teh tarik at any mamak stall that get the tea pwoder from them? The tea powder expired 2 years already?
Besides, they also sell the items such like food or powder in a packet at mini market?
They found all this things from trash, and from wastage dispose centre. 
For me this is to DISGUSTING k...

Think it urself.

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